Parish Pastoral Council
Is an advisory body to support and assist the Parish Priests in their Ministry and governance of the Parish.
Parish Finance Committee
Works with the Parish Priests to manage the Finances of the Parish particularly on all aspects of its income and expenditure.
Liturgy Committee
This committee meets on the 1st Tuesday of each month at 7.30pm. This ministry prepares the Liturgical content and altar set-up for Liturgical celebrations on weekends and special occasions. This involves organizing the readers, Communion Ministers and altar backdrops/cloths.
Altar Servers
This ministry is for those children who have already received their Sacrament of the Eucharist. Children will be given training and guidance by the Parish Priest and appointed Trainers.
Care & Concern Group
This group coordinates the monthly Healing Masses (held every 2nd Tuesday from February - October and 1st Tuesday for November & December) and offers assistance to those who need transport to attend Mass. Arrangements can be made with this Group to provide refreshment after Funeral services.
Children's Liturgy Team
This team is responsible for organising the Children's Liturgy which is held at 9.30am every Sunday (except during School Holidays); these important faith-forming, fun-filled and learning sessions are for children aged 5 years and above.
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion
and Communion Visitation |
Distribute the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass, on a roster basis. Also, to distribute Holy Communion to the visit the sick or infirm, either in their homes, at Nursing homes or in hospitals.
Flower Group
This group of artistic parishioners are in-charge of putting together the floral decorations to adorn the altar for Liturgical celebrations according to the Liturgical seasons.
Ministers of Hospitality, Readers, Greeters
These group proclaims the Word of God and warmly receives/greets parishioners and guests at the entrance of the Church during weekend Masses.
RCIA Team - Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
This team assists the Parish Priest to prepare adults through a process by which they are received into full communion with the Catholic Church.
St Francis College
St Francis College is a coeducational college for students from Prep to Year 12
Phone: 07 3894 4800 Email: [email protected] Visit the St Francis College website |
SMK Youth Group will meet fortnightly on Friday evening from 6pm-8pm. Click here for more information.